On behalf of more than 1,200 gastroenterologists and other physician specialists whose medical practices are members of the Digestive Health Physicians Association, DHPA submitted comments to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services regarding the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule Proposed Rule for Calendar Year 2016. The comments focus on the threat posed by CMS’s proposed […]
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DHPA Backgrounder
As gastroenterologists who have chosen to care for our patients in independent medical practices, we understand the threats and opportunities that our groups—and ultimately our patients—face due to the changing health care landscape. And while our existing national societies play a vital role advocating on our behalf, it is clear that those of us who […]
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DHPA Works with GOP Doctors Caucus to Support In-Office Ancillary Services Exception (IOASE)
In June 2015, DHPA worked with the GOP Doctors Caucus to oppose the repeal of the in-office ancillary services exception (IOASE). DHPA, along with the GOP Doctors Caucus, provided data to Congress in a letter that showed physician practices should be able to provide ancillary services such as advanced imaging, physical therapy, radiation therapy and anatomic […]
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Medicare Anatomic Pathology Utilization: 2009 Through 2013
In June 2013, the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) published a report, “Medicare Action Needed to Address Higher Use of Anatomic Pathology Services by Providers Who Self-Refer” (GAO Report), which discussed the utilization of anatomic pathology (AP) services in the fee-for-service (FFS) Medicare program. The GAO Report focused on the growth of AP services between calendar years 2004 […]
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DHPA Supports Removing of Barriers to Colorectal Cancer Screening Act in the House of Representatives
In July 2014, DHPA wrote to Representative Charlie Dent to express support for his legislation, the “Removing Barriers to Colorectal Cancer Screening Act of 2014.” The legislation sought to remove a Medicare loophole that required patients to pay a co-pay if a polyp was discovered and removed during a routine diagnostic colonoscopy — a procedure which […]
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