The Digestive Health Physicians Association strongly supports the Removing Barriers to Colorectal Cancer Screening Act (S. 624, HR. 1220), bipartisan legislation to remove financial barriers to life-saving colorectal cancer screenings and treatment for Medicare beneficiaries.
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Fact Sheets
Policy Recommendations for Modernizing the Stark Law
The physician self-referral law, know as the “Stark Law,” was passed by Congress in 1989 and substantially amended in 1993. Health care delivery has changed dramatically since then, but this antiquated state has not kept pace with new and innovative delivery models.
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Removing Barriers to Colorectal Cancer Screening Act of 2015 (Infographic)
Learn why Medicare patients will continue to face unfair fees for colonoscopies unless Congress passes the Removing Barriers to Colorectal Cancer Screening Act.
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DHPA Backgrounder
As gastroenterologists who have chosen to care for our patients in independent medical practices, we understand the threats and opportunities that our groups—and ultimately our patients—face due to the changing health care landscape. And while our existing national societies play a vital role advocating on our behalf, it is clear that those of us who […]
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