Hay muchas opciones de detección, pero la colonoscopia es el estándar de oro. El cáncer colorrectal se previene mediante la extirpación de pólipos, que son crecimientos precancerosos. Y una colonoscopia de detección es la única prueba que DETECTA y ELIMINA los pólipos precancerosos.
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CRC Screening Resources
Colorectal Cancer: Am I at Risk? Spanish Translation (Infographic)
Es importante comprender que existen disparidades en las tasas de detección del cáncer colorrectal y que las tasas de mortalidad por la enfermedad son más altas entre algunos grupos étnicos que entre otros. Hay disparidades en las tasas de detección por muchas razones, incluido un menor acceso a la cobertura de atención médica, tasas más bajas de recomendación de un proveedor.
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Reducing the Burden of Colorectal Cancer: AGA Position Statements
The AGA created an Executive Committee on the Screening Continuum to develop AGA Position Statements, which highlight the continuum of CRC screening, identify barriers, and work with stakeholders to eliminate existing barriers. These principles anticipate new, evolving screening strategies, which are still in development. Each statement is evidence-based. Read More >>
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DHPA Supports USPSTF Recommendations for CRC Screening Beginning at Age 45 and More Research on Effectiveness of sDNA-FIT Screening on CRC Mortality Outcomes
DHPA voiced its support for the final recommendation by the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) that Americans begin screening for colorectal cancer at the age of 45, an update of 2016 guidelines.
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DHPA Supports USPSTF Recommendations to Begin CRC Screening at 45, Calls for More Research on Disparities in Communities of Color
While supporting the draft recommendations overall, Dr. Glenn Littenberg, DHPA chair of health policy, expressed some concern about USPSTF’s recommendations with respect to screening colonoscopy versus stool-based CRC screening.
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